Add a virtual keyboard in Windows 10 | Amazing feature | 9technoadda

Microsoft also added new Virtual Keyboard functionality in Windows 10. Its mainly useful to them who have a laptop with touch screen or if you feel any problem with your keyboard. You can kindly add the it on your screen with just on tap. 

Follow the steps to get a full screen keyboard layout. 

1. Go to the setting. 

2. Click on a ease of access.

3. Scroll down to keyboard option & Turn use sticky key on. 

5. You will get a sticky key icon present in right bottom icon list. 

6. Allow the shortcut key to start stikey key.

Now you can just turn on your sticky key icon by just clicking your SwiftKey 5 times. 7 and you can just directly open Virtual key by pressing Control + win key +O at the same time.


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